Frontier Technologies And The Future Of Aviation

Frontier Technologies have been recognized by the global community as having a pivotal role in the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). These pages highlight these technologies and roles within the context of international aviation connectivity.

As these sorts of a '4th Industrial Revolution' technologies are developed at a rapid pace, check back often to catch the latest updates on this front.


Artificial Intelligence - or Al as it is more commonly known, has great potential to assist humans in making better informed decisions.

Al applications are also becoming more commonplace in increasing productivity across all sectors of industry. It is particularly helpful to carry out repetitive tasks that are prone to human error, and are often time sensitive.

Explore just a small part of the potential of Al in aviation in these articles:

While it is still early days for Al in aviation, there are quite a few exciting developments in the pipeline.

One example is an Al built to eventually help aviation experts sort through tens of thousands of Notice to Airmen (NOTAMs) issued by authorities. The system is called NORM , and you can learn more and even chat with NORM here :

Other areas that are being explored include:

  • Using Al to interact through natural language with the thousands of aviation regulations and manuals
  • Using Al to optimize the use of aviation assets in crises response


Though many people are familiar with bitcoin or the term 'cryptocurrency', few people understand the full concept of blockchain.

Blockchain is a publicly available and decentralized digital ledger that encrypts data into blocks of records which allow for a reliable and permanent method of storing data.

Blockchain is not easily tampered with because the “blocks”, which are bundles of data, are attached to pre- and post-transactions. This innovative way of record keeping is known to be used for currencies, loyalty programmes, bookkeeping and auditing. Blockchain also has significant potential in the aviation industry.

While the aviation industry is working with many innovative and advanced technologies that will continue to grow, there are practices within the industry that are old-fashioned and unreliable. For example, pilots log their flight time by pen and paper or through digital spreadsheets. These logbooks have no security against the authenticity of hours which can lead to undependable pilot hours.

Blockchain can provide a reliable method of storing data and performing transactions in order to ensure that data cannot be falsified. This concept can also be applied to many other aspects of aviation such as aircraft maintenance, passenger records and financial transactions. As such, blockchain can provide a safe and secure way for processing and using various permanent digital records that aviation requires.

The following examples highlight some key ways that blockchain can be used in aviation.

Security and Identity

The protection of passenger records, flight manifests and crew information is highly important in aviation. The use of blockchain for these data sources would enable the management and sharing of information across various entities without jeopardizing their security.

Electronic Personnel Licensing

Since characteristics of blockchain cannot be changed or tampered with, the authenticity of pilot and maintenance logging can become and remain accurate. Blockchain will eliminate the possibility of falsifying records and can enable a universal system of logging personnel and aircraft licensing data across States. This will allow regulatory authorities to verify whether the credentials of aircraft and pilots are current, which will in turn, contribute to the overall safety of aviation.

Air Freight

Every shipment of freight requires a large amount of papenNork which is costly and inefficient. The ability to digitalize this paperwork with blockchain will allow for an environmentally friendly solution. It will also reduce transport time by eliminating the need to verify paper copies and by significantly shortening the administrative process. Consolidating air freight records will create an interconnected network of air cargo information which will facilitate data sharing and eliminate fraud.

Regulatory Authorities

Implementing blockchain as a standard in aviation will improve the ability of civil aviation authorities and States to track specific goals and to ensure that operators and service providers comply with regulations and standards.

Once the use of blockchain for electronic personnel licensing becomes a standard, it will give regulatory authorities the ability to verify the authenticity of pilots and aircraft through reliable and transparent record keeping.

Ticketing and Loyalty Programmes

Using blockchain for e-tickets will allow airlines to enhance their alliances by enabling tickets to be sold by their partners in real time. Loyalty programmes can be strengthened with blockchain as travelers can attain instant value from their points and use them like a currency. Since blockchain is publicly available, loyalty points can be used by any partner connected to the loyalty programme network.

Financial Transactions

Many aspects of aviation require financial transactions such as purchasing parts, leasing aircraft and airline costs associated with flight operations. Blockchain can standardize these processes and properly secure the transactions in a timely manner.

Airlines and aviation startups are beginning to exploit the potential of the blockchain technology, demonstrating that the wider use and implementation of blockchain in aviation is near. Blockchain has the potential to evolve the aviation industry and allow airlines, civil aviation authorities, international organizations and other key players to unlock the full potential of data and information available to them.


Unmanned Aircraft operations will involve stakeholders familiar with aviation as well as many who are not. It is important to include theses stakeholders from the beginning when developing the UAS regulations. Their early involvement will ensure that the regulations appropriately address the needs of these groups while also serving to educate them on expectations and what is feasible.


The rapid growth of the UAS industry has resulted in significant and multiple challenges for States to deliver their mandate and meet the needs and expectations of the industry. Such challenges include:

  • Managing the expectations of the UAS industry
  • Completing regulatory projects within established timelines
  • Supporting test site development to enable research and development with new technologies
  • Providing training materials at UAS events in order to educate operators
  • Advancing harmonization with international counterparts
  • Developing training and guidance material on UAS operations
  • Enhancing relationships with other government agencies for an understanding of respective roles
  • Engaging legal authorities to strengthen enforcement capacity with law enforcement agencies
  • Managing large volumes of new operators or new types of operations

Explore more about this subject in the ICAO UAS Tool kit. We also hold regular symposia on this subject, the last one was :